##Jumping Statements ##

          C language provides us multiple statements through which we can transfer the control anywhere in the program.

There are basically 3 Jumping statements:
1. break jumping statements.
2. continue  jumping statements.
3. Goto jumping statements.

1. Break jumping statements.

·         By using this jumping statement, we can terminate the further execution of the program and transfer the control to the end of any immediate loop.
·         To do all this we have to specify a break jumping statements whenever we want to terminate from the loop.

 Syntax: break; 

                   This jumping statements always used with the control structure like switch case, while, do while, for loop etc.
                  As break jumping statements ends/terminate loop of one level . so it is refered to use return or goto  jumping statements , during more deeply nested loops.
                   Program based upon break jumping statements:

WAP to display the following output:

1          2          3          4          5          .           .           .           .           .

void main()
int i=1;
printf(“Enter ”,i,”no”);
printf(“ \t  %d ”,i);

2. Continue jumping statements.

·         By using this jumping statement, we can terminate the further execution of the program and transfer the control to the begining of any immediate loop.

·         To do all this we have to specify a continue jumping statements whenever we want to terminate terminate any particular condition and restart/continue our execution.

Syntax: continue;

                          This jumping statements always used with the control structure like switch case, while, do while, for loop etc.


                    Program based upon continue jumping statements:

WAP to display the following output:

1          2          3          4          .           6          7          .           9          10



void main()


int i=1;



printf(“Enter ”,i,”no”);

printf(“ \t  %d ”,i);

if(i==5 || i==8)




3. Goto jumping statements.

·         By using this jumping statements we can transfer the control from current location to anywhere in the program.

·         To do all this we have to specify  a label with goto and the controlwill transfer to the location where the label is specified.

Syntax: goto <label>;

·         The control will transfer to those label that are part of particular function, where goto is specified.

·         All those labels will not included, that are not the part of a particular function where the goto is specified.
·          It is good programming style to use the break, continue and return instead of goto.

·         However, the break may execute from single loop and goto executes from more deeper loops.


                    Program based upon continue jumping statements:

WAP to display the square root of a no, if no. is not positive then re enter the input.



void main()


int i,n;

float s;


printf(“Enter a no.”);




goto start;






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